
item #1 - Milo & Alfie - $21.00
item #2 - The Taylor CatSSSSS - $5.00
item #3 - Kea - $5.00
item #4 - ML- $25.00
item #5 - The Poupounette Gang - $15.00
item #6 - The Chesney Cats - $5.00
item #7 - Forty Paws - $5.00
item #8 - Forty Paws - $5.00
item #9A - Forty Paws - $5.00
item #9B - The Monkeys - $6.00
item #10 - The Poupounette Gang - $6.00
item #11 - NO BID
item #12 - Tia - $10.00
item #13 - MomsBusy - $8.00
item #14 - The Taylor CatSSSSS
item #15 - ML- $25.00
item #16 - Forty Paws - $8.00
item #17 - Marg - $8.00
item #18 - Katnip Lounge - $5.00
item #19 - The Slimmer Pugs - $15.00
item #20 - AFSS (Alesandra, Fenris, Socks & Scylla) - $15.00
item #21 -Meowmepurr's Mumma - $15.00
item #22 - meowmeowmans at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life - $15.00
item #23 - joanne, jane, jill, johnny, jay boy, jasmine & capu from Singapore - $15.00
item #24 - Ginger Jasper - $12.00
item #25 - Petey, Jack, Spunky, Tabitha & Madison LaRue - $6.00
item #26 - MomsBusy - $8.00
item #27 - Cat - $10.00
item #28 - The Taylor CatSSSSS - $10.00
item #29 - Eric & Flynn -$15.00
item #30 - The Slimmer Pugs - $15.00
item #31 - Kea - $20.00
item #32 - The Taylor CatSSSSS - $15.00
item #33 - Samantha, Clementine and Maverick - $10.00
item #34 - Ginger Jasper- $12.00
item #35 - Kea - $8.00
item #36 - The Taylor CatSSSSS - $8.00
item #37 - The Taylor CatSSSSS - $20.00
item #38 - The Slimmer Pugs - $20.00


Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Please note we have made a bid on the hammock ~ we put it in the comments below the item.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We're excited about winning the bid, but we're not sure what we are suposed to do now. Do you e-mail us with instructions ~ or are we meant to pay our bid amount into paypal? Could sumbuddy let us know please? Fanks.

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